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New Patients at Ballard Chiropractic Clinic

At Ballard Chiropractic Clinic we want all of our patients to feel immediately at home when they walk in the door. Since chiropractic care involves a series of visits, with each one building on the ones before, it’s important for you to feel comfortable right from the start.

Your First Visit

Upon entering Ballard Chiropractic Clinic, you will be greeted and provided an entrance form to complete that shouldn’t take more than 5-minutes or so. If you have any insurance coverage, we will ask for your card to photocopy and place in your file. Benefits will be verified most of the time during this visit and if not, by the next day. Additional forms will be provided for those in automobile or work related injuries.

Next, you will see Dr. Wechselberger in a consultation/treatment room where you both will discuss aspects of your current condition. Dr. Eric will explain his methods of care and any other treatment he believes can be effective for you. If chiropractic care is decided to be appropriate for your condition, he will perform an examination that can isolate the extent of the problem. On occasion, digital x-rays will be taken following the exam helping complete the gathering of information on areas of concern. He will go over the findings with you and burn a CD of your images should you need follow-up elsewhere.

Your First Chiropractic Adjustment

Spinal manipulation/adjustment will then take place helping to restore joint function and reduce any pain symptoms. Sometimes intersegmental traction is utilized to help loosen your spinal column prior to your adjustment. The use of ice or moist heat packs for several minutes can also be effective in reducing pain and muscle spasms helping to make your initial treatment less difficult. Dr. Eric will guide you on how to avoid aggravating your condition during the healing phase and walk you out to the front desk.

A “Fee Slip” showing the costs of services rendered and any follow-up visit will be given to you. If you have any co-payment under your insurance policy, we ask that you pay it before leaving. The average initial visit is approximately 30-minutes. Double this time for car or work injuries.

A Typical Office Visit

Check in at the front desk and put your name and the date on a Fee Slip for the provider you will be seeing. You will be brought back to an open treatment room where the provider (Dr. Wechselberger or one of the Massage Therapists) will ask brief questions about your current symptoms and concerns prior to treatment. Once treatment has concluded you will be escorted back to the front desk.

Schedule Today

Contact us today and let Dr. Wechselberger answer all of your questions.


New Patients at Ballard Chiropractic Clinic | (206) 782-8500